what our clients


"Well here I am!! I can’t believe I’m at this point in my life! I am blessed and fortunate after 40 years in a corporate setting doing contracts, raising kids, and tending to aging parents, I am finally semi-retired and working remotely in the sunshine state.

When I came to Mel at Ferrum 2 years ago, I was in a sorry state, especially with my knees. I was scared to even try. I asked if she knew CPR. (She does by the way.) She has slowly, patiently dealt with my many physical issues and brought me to a point where I can actually enjoy my semi-retirement. It has been a hard, exhilarating, sometimes tearful, but usually full of pride and wonder at my accomplishments, journey. Mel has way more faith in me than I do! LOL! I laugh at some of the movements she wants me to do, thinking there is no way…and then I do it! Sometimes I look like I’m having a seizure at first, but then I smooth out!

I would like to relate how this training has helped me in my actual everyday life. This past weekend we were invited down south to visit my Husband’s sister. She has always been active and athletic. She had scheduled a surprise Airboat ride for everyone. Before, this would have sent me into a panic if I would be able to do it. How hard would it be to get to the dock and then onto a rocking boat? It never crossed my mind. Now, this unexpected adventure brought excitement and anticipation! How wonderful it was to walk down the wonky, crushed shell, uneven path to the dock. Then step off the dock over to the rocking boat to get to my front seat. Hold hands with my Husband and blast around on the airboat using my abs to stabilize me, take the turns and laugh. All I could think about as we walked back up to the ticket area was “Thank Goodness for Mel and Ferrum!”

I guess in this life we get to “choose our hard”.  I am so glad I chose the “hard” of discipline than the “hard” of regret, worry and missing out. I don’t enjoy the workouts sometimes, but I thoroughly enjoy what the workouts have given me: golf, dance, pickleball, and just general confidence that I can physically handle it…basically, freedom and the ability to live my life the way I would like. And that…is priceless.

Thank you again Mel and the Ferrum Family!"

Michelle E.


"When I joined Ferrum in July of 2020 I was in a search for a group/community of fitness to join after I aged out of Roller Derby. I had always wanted to do functional fitness when I was younger so I searched for a local gym. I came across Ferrum, and I decide to contact them about joining. So, I went to see what it all entailed.  At my initial introduction, Andrea and Cheri asked me what my goals were. My main goals were to lose weight and become stronger. Before even leaving the gym, I set up my first session. I went home and remember telling my mom that I had “found my people!”

I decided to go straight from elements to group classes at first. At about six months I injured my shoulder but thought it was temporary. After a few months, I went to see my doctor to make sure it was not serious. After a quick exam she said it was inflamed and gave me muscle relaxers with instructions to not do any upper body work for a week. In the meantime, Mel was awesome with helping relieve my pain by doing her tempering. Andrea, one day, while I was getting tempering done, comes and says, "come see me and let’s talk!” I explained what was happening and that I was not getting any better. Andrea was able to access how I was moving and pinpointed the areas that I was weak in which caused me to hurt myself. I worked with Andrea for about 2 months in personal training and was able to strengthen my weak areas and prevent future injuries.

In 2022 my strength grew leaps and bounds but my weight loss did not reflect the effort that I was putting in each week. I have always struggled with my relationship with food and was not eating properly to sustain the 5 days I was putting in each week. Then came fall of 2022 and I saw the new Ferrum Fed nutrition program. At this point I had already had a consultation with a dietician at my PCP office who only gave me a pamphlet and sent me on my way. I knew I needed help to continue on my journey and decided to join the new program with Rachel. I learned about portions, macros, food choices and overall lifestyle changes. Rachel even went to the grocery store with me to guide me on how to read labels and how to best maneuver through the store to make the best choices. This piece of the puzzle has been very important because it has given me a healthy relationship with food and helped me to achieve my weight loss goals. This is a lifestyle that will help me get through the marathon of life.

There are not enough words to express how amazing this gym, more like family, really means to me. All the coaches are amazing at what they do and have so much knowledge that they are able to share with us. Ferrum Athletic Company thank you for making me a stronger person all around and showing me what it means to do movement for life!"

Hanna W.



I knew it was bad when I arrived in Orlando after a two-hour drive holding my breath and fighting back tears. I felt ancient and I was only 55. Fear and anxiety were part of every day because my back and hip hurt all the time. What would my life look like if this pain persisted and got worse? I decided to go back to the doctor, but I was not hopeful because every solution had been temporary. The injections in my back and hip had worn off, and physical therapy had done very little to help over the years.

My husband had been going to Ferrum for years and had talked endlessly about how wonderful the coaches are. I was often greeted in the early morning by a sweaty man with a bright smile who went on and on about the workouts and how knowledgeable the coaches were. I believed him but I knew it “wasn’t my thing.” I’ve exercised on an off through the years, but that place was insane – weights, ropes, bars to hang on – no thank you! I could not imagine walking into a gym where the coaches and clients were so fit.  What might they think of me? After more weeks of sleepless nights I was simply out of options. I decided to give it a try.  I got an appointment with Andrea the following week.

I walked into the gym and wanted to run back to my car. What on Earth was I doing here? I was out of shape and in my mid-fifties and I felt ridiculous.  Andrea walked up with her engaging smile and introduced herself.  OK, I thought, maybe just an assessment and I’ll leave and never come back. Andrea got to know me, asked questions, and determined what my needs were. I have been to many physical therapists over the years and have never had an evaluation like the one Andrea gave me. She was so thorough, and I was fascinated because she didn’t look only at the areas that were painful.  She knew to look beyond that to see what the root causes were, and no one else had ever done that. And best of all, she explained everything so clearly, with such kindness and empathy. No other health professional spent that time with me to ensure they fully understood me, what my goals were, and what the roadblocks might be. I decided I would try it for a couple of sessions. Keep reading!

For 6 months I have worked with Andrea twice a week to build strength and flexibility. I walk into the gym a little shyly still, but certainly less so than when I started. Every coach knows my name and I am greeted with high fives and encouragement. I actually look forward to being there because the gym is such a positive place and I am making progress. I love feeling stronger every week and wondering why the groceries that used to feel so heavy are much lighter now.

I never thought I would be part of this community that my husband has raved about for years. So, honey, if you’re reading this, take note:  You were right!!

When I joined a year ago (heck, even 6 months ago), I couldn't lift anything from the floor with my limited mobility. Deadlifts meant I'd be working from my bed on a heating pad for the next couple of days. I kept at it though, took advantage of the conditioning and coaching from your amazing staff. I improved my form dramatically and and I'm stronger now at 42 than I've ever been in my life.
My goal when I started was to be able to do yard work without hurting myself. Look at me now! I can't wait to see where my second year at FeRRUM takes me!



I could write a book on how FeRRUM has impacted my life over the past two years. From Cheri's training and faith that I could do a pull-up, to Jen's positive encouragement and gentle pushing that I can do better than I think, to Aaron's willingness to partner with us for River City Rumble, to Amy constantly asking if I'm eating enough, Andrea's quiet strength, and whatever magic Sean worked to get Sophia out of her shell.  There isn't a person at Ferrum who hasn't impacted me over the past two years. I wouldn't be where I am today without the strength and confidence that has come from everyone's training, encouragement, and unwavering support.

The greatest gift of all, I now have three kids who can't wait to walk in those doors.  Their goals are to be strong, healthy, and learn how to better understand how to take care of their bodies. From McDonald's and cokes, to grilled chicken and protein shakes, Ferrum has literally changed my life.

I walked into Ferrum the first time, after cancelling and no showing more than once, not being able to run up the stairs of my own house. Two years later I walk into Ferrum knowing I can do anything, and handle anything, life throws my way.



"If someone had told me “You’d benefit greatly from a functional fitness workout”, I would have laughed. Here I am, having worked with Sean and Cheri for ten months! I’m toned and stronger than I’ve ever been, despite being 61 years old. Sean got me started at a pace I was comfortable with; he gave me faith in myself. Cheri has driven me to complete workouts specifically designed for functional fitness that work muscles I didn’t know I had. She really listens to my feedback as to what feels uncomfortable, diagnoses what the root cause is and gives me movements to work through it and become stronger. Weight loss is not a key to better health, strength is. I’ve lost only 5 pounds, but wear a size smaller than when I started this journey. I feel great – physically and mentally. I actually said “I don’t mind coming here” the other day when I came to the gym! Never thought I’d speak those words about a workout."

Teresa U.

"I walked into FeRRUM 6 months ago. I was suffering from debilitating foot pain to where I literally couldn’t walk at the end of a work day. I was at my heaviest and riddled with anxiety. It took my entire mental capacity to work up the energy and courage to step inside that place twice a week. Many people tried to talk me out of functional fitness, or just focused on all the negatives, but I quickly learned that FeRRUM is so much more than that. I was carefully assessed and personally trained. My first few weeks were more like physical therapy than traditional workouts. I literally learned how to walk again. I was also put on supplements that helped get my anxiety and blood pressure under control.
Then I was gradually released to the actual classes, which was terrifying, but all of the people there were so warm, welcoming, and encouraging. I went from dreading 2 days a week to feeling lost if I can’t make it 5.
This month, after being benched from running until I was 2 months pain free, I began to run when the workouts called for it. Today I ran a mile! And I ran that mile after meeting my goal of 120 lb back squats for 20 reps. I also ran that mile in 17 minutes! This would’ve taken me over 30 in the past and I would’ve been in extreme pain for days. I am so proud of myself. I get stronger every day. The possibilities are endless."



"Over 40 and overweight, I was very nervous about starting the functional fitness workouts. This location offers an amazing beginners experience though. That made all the difference! My coach, Andrea, scheduled 6 one hour personal sessions over 2 weeks to introduce the exercises and movements before I ever tried a class. Then she was right by my side for my first three sessions. That kind of support matters. Even now that I'm flying solo, I'm still never alone because the coaches are always there scaling exercises to my current ability, improving my form, and helping me push myself without hurting myself. It's about a month since I began and I see and (more importantly) feel a difference! The Ferrum team are all amazing and I immediately felt like family there. This location was recommended to me by a trusted friend and I recommend it to everyone."



"I first met Andrea when searching for a place for my son to workout. I was sucked in at the first meeting. The way she and Cheri operate, and think the foundation of a well built athlete should be, is spot on. You should be built from the ground up, not working around injuries or avoiding those areas. I have old injuries from lifting for so many years; knees, hips and shoulders. So I approached Andrea for one on one training. She fixed my squat, deadlift and shoulder movements to the extent that I have been consistently lifting heavier than before and don’t have the aches that I had before. My confidence in lifting and the way I moved increased greatly. She’s been a mentor and a trainer for me, so the way I took all of her direction, accolades, and corrections was easy. I knew she had my best interest at heart and she believed I could do greater things than I thought I could. That’s the best part of her. It’s hard for an old athlete to know the way they have been moving is all wrong and learn correctly. You have to leave your ego at the door and trust her. I did just that and boy did it pay off. I’m always going to be indebted to her for making me better for so many years to come. Ferrum is an incredible community. My son is a totally different person thanks to the training and guidance as well. If you’ve never experienced, or the thought of a functional fitness gym intimidates you the way it did me, then this is your place and she is your trainer. They set themselves apart from the rest."


We want to meet you! Schedule a stress-free 1-on-1 intro. Let us tell you about who we are and what we do, show you around the gym, answer your questions, and make a plan to move forward.

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MON – FRI   5:00 AM – 7:00 PM
SAT   9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

